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The Legend of Puyé – Where we get our name

Pŭyé [pooh-yay] is a Northern New Mexico Native American (abandoned) pueblo of cliff dwellings. Its name – and our heritage – is derived from a word in the ancient Tewa language meaning, “where the rabbits go to meet”. From that vista, the rabbits could scan the horizon for the threats or opportunities beyond their immediate surroundings. At Puyé Analytical, we take a high-level view to find solutions and advantages.

By experiencing a change in perspective – such as the revelations from a high vantage point – you can get a better idea of how your company and its operations are performing. Our passion is driven by the advantages this perspective offers. It’s what we call ‘vision around the bend’.

Puyé Analytical is about perspective. Using your company data, we leverage Business Intelligence (BI) to generate data visualizations which provide a window into what is working, what is struggling and where opportunity potential resides; insights.

Puyé Analytical is about business sciences. We offer an in-depth look at your company analytics and statistics to assess company performance against company objectives. Business Intelligence can help Small and Medium Size Businesses (SMBs) make informed decisions, gain insights into customer behavior, optimize operations, manage finances effectively, and gain a competitive advantage in their respective markets.

Puyé Analytical is about behavior change. When companies grow, or have the desire to grow, new challenges arise that often require change (internal operations and/or external focus). Our experience working with diverse size organizations and mentoring across business disciplines provides a unique business acumen. Coupled with the road map (BI), we work together against specific KPI (Key Performance Indicators) to systematically achieve change and growth results.

Let’s talk

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it”   — Lord Kelvin

Dan Martinez

Managing Partner




Rico Suave

Event Listener





Entertainment Coordinator


